About Us
Since the age of 12, I have struggled with acne and hyperpigmentation. I can distinctly remember walking down the aisles at Target, admiring all the cute packaging for hair care and realizing there was nothing that appealed to Black girls, and the complexities of our skin. I knew my skin story was not unique to just me, but I knew my unique curiosity for finding a solution would be a motivational factor in the future.
After 13 years of trying to find the solution that worked for me, In true Black girl fashion, I thought “I’ll just do it myself”. I did the work, researched the ingredients, looked at the benefits, and after months of back and forth I still felt like something was missing. So in 2019, I enrolled in an Esthetician school. My goal was to get the foundational aspects of skin care and begin the process of developing my own products. I wanted to be educated on the fundamentals of our skin, so I could create a product that will have real results. Initially, I wanted to create a product that would treat acne and dark marks, but once I understood the importance of hydration, I knew I had to incorporate that concept into my product. The M32 is a signature blend of hyaluronic acid and niacinamide.The hyaluronic acid adds hydration into the skin causing it to appear plup, bright and glowy, while the niacinamide works to improve and prevent breakouts and dark marks. Together, these two products tackle acne, dark marks and add hydration to the skin.
Fast forward to 2019. I received my state license and created the five star rated Aglow Hydrating Serum. I took the time to give you a product that can treat and prevent future breakouts, improve the appearance of dark marks, and add a dewy hydrated glow to your skin!
I hope you enjoy!
T. (Founder)